Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1-1 A New Life in Enekjaer

So today was the day. Relocation. Shipping out from Jericho to  the little island was a big leap. It was my older sister Mary's idea.
Mary, the older sister
 "You're a fully certified teacher now," She said. "You should go somewhere where you're really needed." And that's how I ended up here, in Enekjear.

Luckily, finding a place to live wasn't a big issue. The city was nice enough to provide me housing. It's not much...but it'll do I guess. here, let me give you the tour.

I live in an end unit in a small strip of three apartments right in the center of town.

Heading on inside we have an open area. Living room on one side...

and a kitchen/ eating area on the other.

Heading through the door we have my small bedroom...

and my ugly little bathroom. The place came mostly furnished and its pretty awful in places (I'm looking at you, bathroom) but I guess it'll have to do for the time being. Rent's cheap and I can save up for a bigger place, one I can actually hold parties in. The location's good though.

Work's very close by, but not right next door. Everything is in walking distance. I see now why so few inhabitants own cars.

 I decided to start off my day with a tour of the local art gallery, which happens to be just around the corner.

I introduced myself to a few locals and tourists that were milling around and bumped into one of my new students, Sophie Jenson. She turned out to be a pretty sweet kid. I wanted to have a little fun.

I decided I'd tell a ghost story. yes, a ghost story. In broad daylight, in the small art gallery. It actually turned out to be pretty fun. Sophie's reactions were so cute. You could really tell she was completely caught up in the story.

Later that day, I decided to hit the local bar for something to eat. That's where I bumped into Marie. She's the elementary teacher for the school. We ended up chatting for a while. I learned that she's a single mother with a daughter just about to become a teenager. You've got to admire a woman like Marie. Raising a little girl all on your own while playing mom to the rest of the island's kids as well/ It's pretty impressive really.

I decided to lighten the mood the best way I know how, dancing. She was a little reluctant at first, but she started to loosen up as she found the beat of the music. It's always a cool thing to watch someone fall into themselves and be swept away by the music. A bunch of people in one place surrounded by music, food and conversation is like a fine piece of art in which everyone can lose themselves for a while, forget the outside world and leave their troubles at the door. To an outside viewer, I'm one step up from a frat boy, throwing loud parties and living in the moment. In reality, I'm an artist of sorts, painting my pictures in people, laughter and music.
And so gen 1 begins. Forgive my craptastic photography skills. I'm still figuring out how to take decent screenshots.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always tickled by sims telling ghost stories in the middle of the day. XD I guess it's sort of like watching a horror movie with the lights on.

    Do you use movie mode (tab) when you take pictures? It's how I manage to get close-ups and such. Here are the commands: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/The_Sims_3/Controls#Movie_Making_Mode
